Python based Webapplications with Pyramid Web Framework

Von |2017-10-22T15:10:07+02:00Oktober 22nd, 2017|Kategorien: Software|Tags: , |

Pyramid is a modern web framework for programming python based applications. The design is inspired by Zope. This is discussed in detail here. A comparison with the other frameworks Flask and Django can be found here. Documentation The Pyramid Web Framework  Form generation with deform Colander for validating and deserializing data obtained via XML, JSON, an HTML [...]

GUI programming for data analysis and plotting with python

Von |2017-10-22T15:08:39+02:00Januar 15th, 2017|Kategorien: Software|Tags: |

Software Anaconda python 3 distribution from Continuum Analytics PyQt5 (homepage) conda install pyqt Pyqtgraph (installed from source) python install Tutorials PyQt5 Beginner tutorial from thehackeruniversity. Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt, The Definitive Guide to PyQt Programming by Mark Summerfield PyQt5 tutorial from ZetCode Reference [...]

Chat Widget with Slack and Smooch

Von |2017-01-07T20:54:49+01:00Januar 7th, 2017|Kategorien: Software, Webtools|Tags: , |

Slack is a powerful tool for team communication, supporting a large number of platforms and integration options for 3rd party apps. Together with Smooch as web chat application it is easy to implement an online chat widget for wordpress websites using the smooch plugin. A detailed description is available here:

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